About Us

CEO, Dr. Alexander Buls
Welcome to Pacific Anesthesia. We are the largest physician-owned anesthesia practice in the state of Hawaii. As the Chief Executive Officer, I am the leader of the Executive Division of Pacific Anesthesia. The founders set the framework for our patient-centered care model. We have further enhanced this with our attention to a team-based practice model. We employ physicians with a wide variety of anesthesia sub-specialty training and certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs). Our patients can be assured that our anesthesia providers are self-motivated to practice the latest and safest evidence-based medicine. Collectively, our practitioners draw from decades of training, wisdom, and expertise. Our facilities can be assured that we have built multiple layers of redundancies in our coverage and we are available for any contingency that may arise with acute and critical care. If you are a patient or health care facility representative who has questions about our care or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

COO, Asia Dean
Aloha! It's a pleasure to serve as Chief Operating Officer for Pacific Anesthesia, Inc. My role within the Executive Division is to ensure success in PACI's daily administrative and operational functions while driving the organization toward the achievement of its strategic goals. My background is in planning and analysis, partnership development, and integrated delivery network optimization. As COO, I lead initiatives supporting our mission to provide measurable value to the medical community of Hawaii, through the implementation of our defined business strategy.
Our team constantly and proactively seeks opportunities to refine our business operations, increase clinical efficiencies, and enhance the service provided to our customers and patients. As our organization expands to meet the needs of the communities we serve, we seek to maintain the inclusive Ohana culture PACI's founders built the organization on. As executive leader overseeing provider recruitment, my aim is to continue onboarding the most talented, compassionate physicians and nurse anesthetists who exude the spirit of Hawaii.
We work with acute care facilities, ambulatory surgery centers, and multi-specialty physician practices, providing the most comprehensive anesthesia services with an exceptional experience. I'm open and eager to have a conversation on how Pacific Anesthesia, Inc. can create a strong anesthesia partnership for years to come.

CMO, Dr. Oren Bernstein
Aloha, thank you for your interest in Pacific Anesthesia, Inc. As its Chief Medical Officer, I lead our Clinical Division in its mission to deliver the highest-quality anesthesia care possible to all of our patients in all of our anesthetizing locations. We feel it is our sacred responsibility to each of our patients to deliver cutting-edge, evidence-based care, and to do so in a personable way that recognizes each individual’s unique needs. We recognize that having any surgery done, no matter how major or minor, can be a scary experience. One of our jobs is to reassure our patients that while they are under anesthesia, our entire focus is on their well-being and comfort. Our team of excellent physician anesthesiologists and certified registered nurse anesthetists will be laser-focused on that goal.
I tell all my patients that I have three jobs. The first is extremely easy- to keep them asleep during surgery. The second is to ensure that they will wake up comfortable from the operation. The third, and most important, is to keep them safe. This focus on patient safety is what defines our specialty in anesthesia, and what defines our mission as a group of anesthesia professionals.
Kaizen is a Japanese concept that refers to an effort to constantly improve. We wholeheartedly embrace this philosophy at Pacific Anesthesia and continually seek to improve ourselves as individual anesthesia professionals and collectively as a company. We also play an active role in various clinical committees and initiatives at all the hospitals we serve, to try and always work toward better patient care and improved clinical processes.
We provide specialized anesthesia services when necessary, to ensure that patients receive the expertise that they deserve. We provide advanced cardiac anesthesia services to patients undergoing open-heart surgery. Our fellowship-trained pediatric anesthesiologists will ensure that all children having surgery with us receive the best care possible. Our critical care physicians staff both the operating room and the ICU, and are highly-trained in caring for the very sickest patients. No matter what operation is required, our specialized team of professionals is equipped to handle it expertly. We are truly a comprehensive anesthesia services company, the first of its kind in the State of Hawai’i.
Whether you are a patient seeking to learn more about your anesthesia team, or a surgeon or proceduralist considering utilizing our services, please know that we are extremely proud of the phenomenal anesthesia care that we provide. And know that every day, we strive to improve it even more. Thank you very much for your interest in Pacific Anesthesia.